10 Oct EP 79 | Communicating Your End of Life Wishes with Debbie Pearson
Episode 79 | Profit Boss® Radio
Death and dying. It’s the subject no one wants to think about, let alone plan for. But unfortunately, death is a part of life, and we all have to face our own mortality in order to ensure our end of life wishes are carried out. Not only will clearly communicating these wishes ensure that you maintain control over your life even if you’re no longer able to communicate what you want verbally, it will also save your loved ones stress, emotional strain, and money.
Today, Debbie Pearson, RN, joins us to explain just how important it is to have a plan in place, and how you can start setting up documentation to get everything in order right away. During her more than 40 years caring for others as a hospital nurse, home health care nurse, case manager, and court-appointed guardian, Debbie witnessed many situations in which people couldn’t care for themselves anymore. She saw firsthand how others tried to make decisions by guessing what patients wanted, and she knew there had to be a better way—a way to put patients in control.
Her first book, Age Your Way: Create a Unique Legacy, tells the story of these nursing experiences, and she developed The Blueprint to Age Your Way from a system she uses with her own patients to gather information and document their wishes to be used at the time when they are no longer able to control their own care by the spoken word. Tune into this episode to hear how her system works and learn how you can make sure you get a plan in place before it’s too late.
Listen To The Full Interview:
What You’ll Learn From This Episode:
- Debbie’s biggest recommendation for how to set up your end of life wishes.
- The best time to start planning ahead for aging and unpredictable life events.
- Common misconceptions people have about the medical system.
- Why a medical directive isn’t enough.
- One step you should always take when setting up legal documents.
- Actions you can take today to get your end of life wishes in order.
Featured On The Show:
- Contact Debbie: debbie@ageyourway.com
- www.AgeYourWay.com
- Age Your Way: Create a Unique Legacy by Debbie Pearson, RN
- The Blueprint to Age Your Way by Debbie Pearson, RN
- eMoney Special Offer
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