EP 99 | Sales Skills to Boost Your Income with Judy Hoberman

EP 99 | Sales Skills to Boost Your Income with Judy Hoberman

EP 99 | Profit Boss® Radio

Everyone has an opinion about sales, and for many, that opinion isn’t very positive. However, if you’re an entrepreneur, you’re in sales! There’s no way around that! Despite some reservations about it, we all know that a career in sales can be very, very lucrative. So if you’re looking to increase your income this year, this episode of ProfitBoss Radio is a must-listen. Judy Hoberman is my guest today, and she is sharing with us her lessons learned from a 30-year career in sales.

What surprised me most about this interview is that Judy is very clear that selling isn’t about kitschy closing lines or being manipulative, it’s about building a connection with people, asking the right questions and doing the right thing. You’ll love the way Judy makes sales seem warm, friendly and accessible. Judy has experience in just about everything from education to insurance. She even did a stint as a roofer!

Now, Judy is transforming her years of experience into actionable tools that her clients can do to boost their sales. As always, her focus is never on building a script or crafting closers. Instead, Judy wants to take the very natural way that women can build trusting relationships and turn that into a selling superpower. Judy believes that, in a sense, everyone is in sales in some capacity, so I think every ProfitBoss listener will benefit from the incredible advice Judy is bringing to the show today.

Listen To The Full Interview:


What You’ll Learn From This Episode

  • Judy started in sales as a Girl Scouts who built relationships with her customers.
  • The company where Judy learned her best sales lesson.
  • How Judy got her degree in Educated, got laid off, started as a roofer, and then landed in insurance.
  • Lessons we can learn from the glamorous world of insurance.
  • What women need to know about how sales actually work.
  • You don’t have to be slimy and manipulative as a salesperson.
  • The questions you need to ask in order to build trust.
  • Hire a coach or a mentor to help you reach those higher levels in your company.
  • How to run a one-woman show!
  • Have conversations, not closers.
  • Advice for people who aren’t “in sales.”


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