27 Jul 175 | Rewire for Wealth with Barbara Huson
Welcome to episode 175 of Profit Boss® Radio! In this episode, we’re talking about how to literally rewire your money mind!
Rewiring and engaging neuroplasticity is key to transforming your financial outcomes and altering your limiting beliefs—and no, this has nothing to do with affirmations!
To discuss this topic, I’m excited to welcome Barbara Huson back to the podcast. Barbara is the author of Rewire for Wealth: Three Steps Every Woman Can Take to Program Her Brain for Financial Success. She’s dedicated her entire career to being a money mentor for women, and in many ways, this new book is the synthesis of all the work she has done.
Barbara knows first hand the impact that negative money experiences can have on our brains. In our conversation, you’ll hear the story of the ex-husband who gambled all her money away, and the feeling of shame and fear that pushed her into a state of depression—and how she turned things around!
Barbara also shares some real world stories of her clients who have completely transformed their money minds, and the neuroplasticity techniques they used to do it. We also dig into the beliefs and ideas behind this quote: “The only people who don’t have insane relationships with money are those who are willing to examine their insane relationship with money.”
If you’re ready to rewire your brain and change the way you think about money, don’t miss this episode of Profit Boss® Radio!
Here’s what you’ll find out in this week’s episode of Profit Boss® Radio
- How we all become wired for wealth at some stage in our lives–and why we have to change this wiring to effectively change our behavior.
- How shame can impact women financially–and why it shouldn’t hold you back.
- What exactly neuroplasticity is–and three steps you can take to change your brain.
- Why traditional financial education is obsessed with behavior and nothing else–and how this causes so many women to have problems with money.
Resources and Related Profit Boss® Content
- Barbara Huson’s Website
- Barbar Huson on Instagram, LinkedIn
- Rewire for Wealth: Three Steps Every Woman Can Take to Program Her Brain for Financial Success by Barbara Huson
- Episode 24: Profit Boss Radio with Barbara Huson
- Sacred Success: A Course in Financial Miracles by Barbara Stanny
- The Mind and the Brain: Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force by Jeffrey M. Schwartz, MD
- DailyWorth
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Hilary Hendershott: Profit Boss, if you’ve ever wanted to literally rewire your money mind, today’s conversation is for you. Rewiring and engaging neuroplasticity, I think, is the absolute key to transforming your financial outcomes. And today’s guest, Barbara Huson, agrees with me. She actually wrote an entire book on it. Barbara is someone I considered a mentor the entire time I’ve been engaged in this process of learning how to mentor women to have a better relationship with money. Her goal and career is about the same thing.
Barbara’s background is in business. She was a journalist for years. She has a master’s degree in counseling psychology. She’s done extensive research and authored multiple books on the topic of women and money. Today, we’re talking about her newest book, Rewire for Wealth: Three Steps Every Woman Can Take to Program Her Brain for Financial Success. I hope you all go grab a copy of it, whether that’s in paperback or Kindle form. You can learn more about Barbara and her work at Barbara-Huson.com, that’s Barbara dash H-U-S-O-N dot-com. Enjoy today’s conversation with me and this incredible money mentor.
Hilary Hendershott: Barbara, welcome to Profit Boss Radio.
Barbara Huson: Well, thank you, Hilary, for having me.
Hilary Hendershott: I should say welcome back. You were my guest on Episode 24 of Profit Boss Radio when you published Sacred Success: A Course in Financial Miracles back in 2018. And here we are just two years later talking about your next book, Rewire for Wealth. You are prolific.
Barbara Huson: I actually thought that Sacred Success was my last book. I was sure I had no more books in me, and it just shocked the hell out of me that there was another one in there.
Hilary Hendershott: And you actually wrote about that in the book. And that’s the first thing I thought when you published another book, I said, “This woman has more to say on the topic of money than I can ever fathom.” I’m envious, but I can’t wait to hear what you have to say about it. Let’s start at the beginning. Of course, folks who are interested in more about your origin story can certainly go back to Episode 24 of this podcast, but I just want to contextualize the phrase wired for wealth for people. I mean, the title of your book is Rewire for Wealth. So, if you can rewire, of course, you’re already wired in some way about wealth.
And I’ve often told my story of financial turnaround on this show and how I came to realize it was fundamentally caused by how I got wired for money. And I talk a lot about the power of language with your money. And literally, how the world occurred for me was because of disempowered beliefs I adopted as a child, I got imprinted with the thought there’s never enough money. And I spent my life until I was almost 30 years old proving that was true. And so, can you talk a little bit about how you got wired for money? I believe it was in a conversation with your mother.
Barbara Huson: Oh, well, we’re all wired. We’re all wired for something. And we know if our life is not turning out the way we want it, it’s because our behavior is always controlled by our brain. And so, if you want to change your behavior, you must change the wiring, and that means changing your mind, changing the thoughts. So, that wasn’t okay. The question was, how was I wired for wealth. So, a really interesting exercise that your listeners can do right now is to go back and think about if you can remember your first or what is your first memory of money, your very first memory of money.
And if you could go back to when you were three, four, or five years old, six, seven, and remember, what’s your earliest memory of money, and then you freeze it. And in that event, in that situation, you made a decision about money that has been probably totally irrational, has nothing to do with truth, has been completely repressed, but it’s very much controlling you. And so, in my case, then, I’d love to hear about yours, but in my case, when I was probably four years old, my earliest memory of money is I was brushing my teeth, I was standing on a stepstool, I was brushing my teeth, and I just randomly turned to my mom and I asked her how much money she had. And my mother gave me, she didn’t say a word, but she gave me this look. The look she gave me is: do not talk about money. It is bad to talk about money. And that registered on my brain. I am sure that it just sent out all these electrical chemical impulses that kept digging those neural pathways. It said, “Don’t talk about money, don’t talk about money, don’t talk about money.”
Fast forward. I’m married to a man who is a compulsive gambler. I, who come from a rich family, had a really nice inheritance. I let him manage the money and he gambled away my inheritance. And I never told anybody. I never talked about it with my therapist, who I was seeing three times a week, never talked about it with my parents. You just don’t talk about money. And yes, so that’s how I was wired.
Hilary Hendershott: Almost like being slapped, it’s like a little slap in the face, like, oh, now I’m going to shame you for bringing up the topic of money. And I think women, we do that to each other. Well, maybe not you and me, but I see women do it to each other often. Oh, we shouldn’t talk about that.
Barbara Huson: Money has been a very verboten, forbidden topic for people in general and women in particular because many of us, not all, but many of us have been raised, don’t worry, your pretty little head’s over it. I was raised very explicitly that it’s a man’s job to manage money. So, you don’t worry about it.
Hilary Hendershott: But it’s more the point about being wired and using that metaphor is so perfect, I mean, not only because we have a network of neurons in our brain controlling everything, but about being wired is that it’s not just that one thing. You don’t just think talking about money is bad. It’s like this host of collaborative beliefs and the way the world seems that makes it all sort of reinforces that belief. It’s a net almost. It’s pervasive.
Barbara Huson: It’s a net, but really, it’s a collection of beliefs. It really boils down. And so, when you could start identifying the beliefs which when they’re already, as you said, embedded in your brain, they feel like truths, but they aren’t. They’re just, as Henry Ford said, believe you can, believe you can’t. Either way, you’ll be right. So, it’s important to start being aware of those beliefs and to understand how to rewire them.
Hilary Hendershott: Yes. And you actually wrote in the book when you were married to your first husband and you were, I think, having some financial troubles, you ain’t got a job, and your father didn’t want you to speak in good company about the fact that you had a job. Do I have that right?
Barbara Huson: It’s close. Very close. So, what happened is my husband was gambling my money away. I wasn’t telling anybody. My life was falling apart. I was in total depression. So, I didn’t get a job. I started a business and I had my master’s in counseling psychology and I started a business doing career counseling. And this was back in the ‘70s, and there was no other career counseling in Kansas City outside of a university.
And so, my group fairly quickly, I didn’t know anything about running a business, but because I don’t know, is it the right place at the right time? And I was very excited about it. And my father, who was adamant that women do not work, was furious. He didn’t tell me. He told my husband to tell me not to talk about my work. And so, I didn’t.
Hilary Hendershott: I guess that shame slap again. Okay, so authoring a book is not easy, but you describe in this book Rewire a period of dissatisfaction after you wrote Sacred Success. Can you talk a little bit about how you moved through that and the things that you did that got you to the other side?
Barbara Huson: Yeah, it’s after I wrote Sacred Success, that sure was my last book, but I love what I’ve been for 25 years, I have been coaching, I’ve been a financial therapist, really empowering women about money. And it’s my mission, it’s not a job, as I’m sure you can understand.
Hilary Hendershott: Yes.
Barbara Huson: And something happened after Sacred Success came out. I started losing interest in my work. And there was this nagging feeling that something’s missing and this nagging feeling became almost overwhelming, and I started losing interest in my work and I couldn’t figure out what’s going on and what is this? I was very confused.
And one day, I was looking at my email and there was an article about neuroscience, and I knew nothing about neuroscience. And I read this article and I swear to God, Hilary, I swear that I bet my brain lit up like a slot machine and said, “This is it. This is the missing piece.” And I studied, I read it, something in me said, if you could add neuroscience to the work with personal finance and you’re already using psychology and spirituality, and if you could include the neuroscience, it could expedite the learning curve and really, really slash the resistance that women have. And so, I started playing around with it and I started studying it and I started adding it into my coaching and giving groups and retreats around it. And the work was phenomenal.
Hilary Hendershott: And so, how long did it take you to become an expert on neuropsychology, neuroscience?
Barbara Huson: Well, I don’t know that I’m even an expert on it now, but I know enough of the principles to integrate what’s important in rewiring our brain for wealth and well-being. I mean, don’t ask me to do neurosurgery. Don’t ask me to tell you every part of the brain, but I know the parts that matter for this work.
Hilary Hendershott: Well, it really gets into how, and you distinguish between the brain and the mind, but how the mind controls your brain, which controls everything. It’s like the inner machine of the computer. I’m not coming up with the right words.
Barbara Huson: Yeah, exactly. You’re right. It’s like the brain is the hardware, the mind is the software, the programs. The brain is a physical entity in our skull. And it works on chemical electrical impulses and it controls our behavior. The mind is not a physical organ. It’s a nonphysical entity that’s a source of thoughts and feelings. And it is the thoughts and feelings that come from our mind that flow to our brain that deepens the new neural pathways or starts building new ones, weakening the old. So, it’s really important that the thoughts you have, the words you use to be very conscious because that’s what feeds those neural pathways.
Hilary Hendershott: Right. I definitely want to get into the how-to without leaving people with that they can just listen to a podcast interview and substitute for purchasing the book, of course, but in the book, you quote a UCLA neuro psychiatrist and you quote him a few times. I think maybe he influenced you the most on how directed mental force can help people suffering from OCD. And then, he refers to it as self-directed neuroplasticity, so literally, the conscious and direct changing of your brain. That’s essentially what the new book or the field that you’re adding to your teaching is about, right?
Barbara Huson: So, Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz, he blew me away. When I read his book, he’s written several, but The Mind and The Brain, fabulous book. And he talked about how he did this landmark study at UCLA where he helped OCD people, who have these compulsive urges that they can’t stop, like washing their hands, like taking so many steps, they cannot stop. And without using any kind of medicine, any kind of antibiotics, any kind of medical approach, he taught them to rewire their brain. And if he could do OCD patients, I thought, what the heck? Certainly, us with normal brains could certainly learn to rewire. Yes, and it’s called self-directed neuroplasticity. And with neuroplasticity, it simply means the ability of the brain to change itself.
Hilary Hendershott: Yes. And I’m going to use self-directed neuroplasticity around me in eating pizza. So, that’s my new goal.
Barbara Huson: It didn’t work.
Hilary Hendershott: So, one of the things I find, and I’m asserting that there are women listening to this interview who are in this situation. Let’s just take it kind of specific about a potential scenario. She’s in her 40s. Maybe she didn’t get a college degree. She has a couple of kids, a mortgage to pay. She has a low-paying job. She feels stuck, like her obligations have her stuck. What would you say to that woman if she’s just completely pessimistic about the possibilities for herself financially in the future? She feels like she’s already made her bed, she needs to lie in it. Have you ever worked with a woman like this?
Barbara Huson: Yes, I mean, that’s pretty much what women who come to me feel. They may be college graduates, they may be in high-paying jobs, but they feel stuck. People don’t come to me unless they feel stuck. And whenever you feel stuck, there is always an internal conflict. Part of you wants to move ahead, part of you doesn’t. Part of you thinks you can, part of you doesn’t. So, what we want to do is get beneath, kind of look under the hood. Look at what the part that says, I can’t. I don’t have a college education. Life’s a struggle. There’s never enough. There’s all these bits and pieces of lies we’ve learned, these things we’ve turned to truth, these messages we’ve gotten.
And so, it’s important to find what are the messages? What are the thoughts? What are the beliefs that are keeping you stuck? And then you work on reframing them. And those messages usually come from your family of origin, but they also come from the kids at school, from your teachers, from the church, from the culture in general.
Hilary Hendershott: Yeah. To me, sometimes it seems like a lack of self-confidence, or there’s a term you used in the book, self-efficacy, which is the belief that you can do anything you set your mind to. That’s my rewording of it, but that lack of self-confidence has this negative, vicious cycle with money and women often that they just sort of keep each other intact.
Barbara Huson: Well, they found that 95% of the women in a recent survey by Fidelity said they really want to learn about money. They really do, but they don’t have the confidence. And it’s that confidence we want to work on. And the reason they don’t have the confidence, I believe, is because their beliefs have held them back. And confidence comes from a memory of success. Confidence comes from doing what you’re scared to do. So, helping women take the risks, little steps by little steps, is how you build confidence. And helping them rewire the brain to see themselves differently and take those little steps is how you build up confidence.
Hilary Hendershott: Yeah, I was never really particularly motivated by fake it until you make it, you know that phrase? I think men say that. I could never make that work for myself. Alright, so let’s talk about what exactly is rewiring. How do we engage self-directed neuroplasticity?
Barbara Huson: So, I boiled it down to three steps. It took me years to figure out these three really simple steps, really simple steps that are incredibly challenging because the brain does not want to change. And every time we go to change the brain, remember, our brain works on electrical chemical impulses, and every time we have a thought, the thought goes to our brain and it releases these chemicals. And so, what happens is our body literally gets addicted to these chemicals, like the cortisol or whatever those chemicals are. And so, every time we go to change, not only is that neural pathway pulling us with the force of gravity, but we’re also going through this detox, and our body feels very uncomfortable. We want our fix with those old chemicals. And every time we get tired and stressed, we just go back to the old, the path of this resistance. So, it takes a tremendous amount of vigilance in the beginning. So, the three steps. I’ll tell you what they are, then I’ll define them, and then we can use an example if you want.
Hilary Hendershott: That would be great.
Barbara Huson: So, the three steps are recognize, reframe, and respond differently. Recognize, you must notice the negative thoughts. Whenever a negative thought comes in your mind or you’re trying to do something like the woman, the 40-year-old in your example, when she wanted to move forward, she’d have hopeless thoughts, so you start noticing the thoughts, but you notice them in a special way. You recognize them with curiosity, not with criticism, not with judgment. You go, oh, isn’t that interesting? I’m having a thought about being stuck. I’m having a thought that there’s never enough. I’m having a thought about I have to eat pizza. Isn’t that interesting?
And then, from this place up, isn’t it interesting you separate yourself from that thought? Now I have to eat pizza or I have to buy those Prada shoes, but I am having a thought about it. The thought is not true, it’s just something that’s been programmed in you. So, isn’t that interesting? I am having a thought about it. That separates you from your thoughts. It gives you some distance so that you can go to the next step, which is reframe. And reframe simply means finding another way to see the situation, finding how can I see this differently, finding a different thought and replacing it. I’ll give you an example right away.
Hilary Hendershott: I love examples.
Barbara Huson: Okay, good. So, this just came to me. So, about a couple of months ago, my team came up with this project for me and they were all excited for it, and I was excited, sounds great, but I had never done anything like this project before and I couldn’t wrap my head around it. So, they told me what I needed to do, and I couldn’t get myself to do it. And I noticed the thought in my head is I don’t have what it takes to do this. I don’t know how to do it. I just don’t have what it takes. And I called them up to say, “No, I’m not doing it.” I called one of my team members and I hung up the phone and I said, “No, I’m going to rewire this.” No, I didn’t hang up on her.
Hilary Hendershott: And click the red button.
Barbara Huson: I hung up before she answered. I said, “I’m going to rewire this.” What the hell? And so, I noticed I’m having a thought that I don’t have what it takes, I don’t have what it takes. Isn’t that interesting? And then, I said, “How can I see this differently?” And I tried it. Sometimes it takes a little bit of time, I thought, well, maybe I can tell myself I have what it takes, but no, that…
Hilary Hendershott: It’s hard to reverse it 180 degrees.
Barbara Huson: No, no, no, you don’t reverse it 180 degrees. You just start using different words. In other words, instead of saying to myself, I don’t have what it takes, I just said, “I can handle this, I can handle this.” And every time I started to do something on the project, my brain would say, you don’t have what it takes. And I would say, “I can handle this.” And so, I did what I didn’t want to do, I started writing out the project and I started planning it. And nothing in me wanted to do it, nothing. And I made myself respond differently.
Normally, I would just say, “Screw it, no, I made it myself.” And after a few days, I noticed it was getting easier. And I just kept saying, “I can handle this, I can handle this.” Do I believe it? No, but you don’t have to believe it. You just have to repeat it enough times that it gets why you start getting wired in your brain and the, oh, I can’t, I don’t have what it takes starts weakening. And actually, the project turned out fabulous. I had a great time, and it didn’t take that much time to rewire.
Hilary Hendershott: Is that right? And you could handle it.
Barbara Huson: No, it’s true.
Hilary Hendershott: Yeah.
Barbara Huson: I can handle it. So, that’s my new thing. Anything, I can handle this, I can handle that. And when you say it enough, you start believing it, yeah.
Hilary Hendershott: Well, now you have evidence for it, right? So, you often refer in the book…
Barbara Huson: I do.
Hilary Hendershott: You often refer in the book to A Course in Miracles. So, can you talk a little bit about that and its impact on your teaching?
Barbara Huson: So, the Course in Miracles is a spiritual text that– let me give you a little backstory to it.
Hilary Hendershott: I would love a story.
Barbara Huson: Oh, okay. So, the Course in Miracles, I found the Course in Miracles when I was in the thick of my life falling apart. When my husband was gambling away my money, I felt helpless to do anything about it. We had just moved to Tiburon in California. I had no family around. My life was falling apart. And I heard about A Course in Miracles. In the Course in Miracles, it was written in 1960, something. There were two professors at a very prestigious East Coast Medical University in the Medical Department at university, and there was all this infighting and tension in their department.
And one day, Bill Thetford turned to Helen, his colleague, and said, “There must be another way.” And Helen said, “I’m going to help you find it.” Now, they were very atheists, very strict academicians. They never expected what would happen next. A couple, I don’t know how much later, Helen was at home, and all of a sudden, she heard a voice in her head and said, “This is a course in miracles. Please take notes.” And she started taking notes and she called the voice. This went on for seven years. She’d just take notes, and Bill would type it up the next day.
And seven years later, it became the Course in Miracles. And the Course in Miracles calls itself a course in mind training. And it said everything. Everything is a result of your thoughts. It talks about the law of cause and effect, which it says is the most important law in the universe. And the law of cause and effect, according to the course and quantum physics and neuroscience and many spiritual practices, like Buddhism, says the Newtonian approach says something out there, the cause, makes you feel something in here. The course says, no, nothing out there affects you. It’s all in your thoughts. Your mind, the thoughts you have are the cause of your experience. You want to change your experience, you change your thoughts. And so, it was following the Course in Miracles, it’s a real bitch to read. It is really hard. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen it, Hilary, or ever looked at it.
Hilary Hendershott: I haven’t.
Barbara Huson: I don’t know what kept me going.
Hilary Hendershott: I’ve had many people talk to me about it, though, so I’m curious about it.
Barbara Huson: Well, where I started, there’s three volumes. There’s the text, the workbook, and the manual for teachers. The workbook is 365 lessons, a lesson a day. And each lesson, I highly recommend it. Each lesson is a piece of mind training. And the very first lesson in the course says, I don’t know what anything means. I don’t know what anything means, everything that happens is my interpretation of it. And so, it helps you reframe everything, and when you reframe, when you see things differently, your world changes, you shift. The course says, a miracle is simply shifting your perception. Instead of seeing through the eyes of fear, you look through the eyes of love. And when you can do that, you create miracles.
Hilary Hendershott: I’m seeing harmonies between this and neuroscience. Impacting your thoughts impacts everything. And I also see similarities between the way you’re saying The Course in Miracles was delivered by divine download to the authors with the conversations with God. Books are the same way. He says he heard a voice in his head and just wrote it all down.
Barbara Huson: Exactly. I mean, much of the wisdom that’s imparted today has been from channeled work. And what I find very interesting about this is the people who channel, the woman who channeled it and the one who helped her write it, they were both atheists, they were both academics. This is not like they woke up thinking– these were not woo-woo people. So, when I could tie the Course in Miracles in with neuroscience and psychology, that’s why it’s a game changer.
Hilary Hendershott: Yeah. Speaking of woo-woo, I was talking with Amanda Steinberg about you, the founder of DailyWorth.com. And I said something, and she said, “Okay, if you’re going to call Barbara,” she said, “where are you on the woo-woo scale?” I said, “I’m like a 6.” And she said, “Barbara is like a 22.”
Barbara Huson: That’s what she said, but, and I am. I’m a hundred on the woo-woo scale, but I’m also a hundred on the practical scale.
Hilary Hendershott: Well, I was doing out of 10, but.
Barbara Huson: Okay, that’s funny she said that.
Hilary Hendershott: I don’t want to be 6 out of 100, yeah, yeah, yeah. There is a great quote in the book from Geneen Roth who says, “The only people who don’t have insane relationships with money are those who are willing to examine their insane relationships with money.” It really is like that, isn’t it?
Barbara Huson: Isn’t that a great quote? That’s what makes me crazy about traditional financial education because all they focus on is the practical, is the behavioral.
Hilary Hendershott: Yes.
Barbara Huson: And that’s why I believe that so many women have so much difficulty with money, because we don’t address it. We don’t look under the hood and see what’s keeping us from moving ahead faster.
Hilary Hendershott: Right. We’ll, if you should do X, Y, and Z messaging that doesn’t connect or make a difference, then all the people for whom it doesn’t work are lost. It’s like there’s no access.
Barbara Huson: Exactly. And they focus on the behavior, and focusing on behavior without changing your mind and your thoughts, it’s just not going to get you very far, it’s going to be a struggle.
Hilary Hendershott: Right. Well, it works for some people, but few, very few. Okay, so you’ve been teaching this for years. You’ve been implementing it with groups in workshops like this. I love turnaround stories, Cinderella stories. Do you have some success stories from your clients so people can learn from people who might be like them?
Barbara Huson: Okay, I’ll tell you one of my favorite stories. And this is how powerful to me this process is. So, I had a woman who’s actually very well known in the world of women’s work and she’s very successful. And in fact, when she called me, I was intimidated. I can’t believe she was coming to me. And she was very, very successful. And her revenues were definitely seven figures most years, but it turns out she was really highly stressed because she was overwhelmed by debt. She not only had credit card debt, but she brought in investors that she was owing a lot of money to.
And so, we decided, so I’d applied the process to her and I first wanted her to recognize, but one of the things her father did, she knew she was repeating her father’s behavior. Her father was also a very successful entrepreneur who brought in a lot of money, but he always spent it. They always traveled a lot and they never had anything to show for it. And she knew that even after 11 years of therapy, she said, “I know I’m doing what my father is doing, but I can’t stop it.” So I said to her, “What would happen if you were wealthy? What would it be like if you were wealthy?” I wanted to see what thoughts came up. So, she sat with that for two weeks and she came back and she said, “I thought if I were wealthy,” she said, “I got this picture of this lonely old woman with a mink coat in a Cadillac who was so lonely and it was nauseating.”
And so, for her, being wealthy meant isolation, that no one would love her. And so, we saw that. So, we had to recognize what was there. And then I said, “How can you reframe that?” So, she said, “Let me see.” So, she went away for two weeks. And what she did was very smart. She couldn’t figure out how to reframe it so she started looking to find examples of wealthy women. And she found examples of women who were wealthy, who had money, who were successful, who she called were very juicy, and they were giving to their communities and they had families and they were happy. So, that shifted her. She reframed it, that it’s possible to be happy.
And what happened when she reframed that? Just the act of reframing is here, what I thought was so powerful is that you started to see things that her brain wouldn’t let her see because your brain will only let you see what confirmed your beliefs. So, now, she didn’t no longer had the belief that wealthy women were isolated, were lonely, were pathetic. She saw how much she was paying, for example, her financial team, her bookkeeper. It was a huge bill. It never occurred to her that she was overpaying. And she saw this line of credit that she could have easily paid off, saving her thousands of dollars a year. She never saw it. And suddenly she knew what to do just by reframing. She could see her brain let her see. And the last time I talked to her, she was almost out of debt. Not quite, almost.
Hilary Hendershott: Good. Well, she’s going in the right direction.
Barbara Huson: Yes.
Hilary Hendershott: And it really is like that. You start to see things that you never saw before. I once received a download thought from the universe that said, “Hilary, you should serve women. You’re a woman who was afraid men won’t hire her. You should serve women.” And it was almost like my business quadrupled in the next six months. It was insane. And I did nothing except have the thought, it was bizarre, and something I’m grateful for to this day because it altered the course of my life.
Barbara Huson: So, that’s really important because I think the universe talks to us all the time, guiding us. We all have an internal guidance system, and that’s one of the things that in rewiring, in this whole rewiring your brain, is to really start paying attention to your internal guidance system and listening to the messages we get.
Hilary Hendershott: Yeah. You’re very committed to women’s financial health. What’s the bigger vision you’re fulfilling on, Barbara?
Barbara Huson: What do you mean?
Hilary Hendershott: What do you see for women? Why are you so committed to it?
Barbara Huson: Well, partly, I’m committed because I think this is what God put me on Earth to do. I think God gave me this wealthy father, God gave me a gambling husband, God gave my life falling apart, and then me having the wherewithal to put it back together, and that was all in the service of helping women. So, I believe that’s what I’m here to do and that is my destiny, that’s my directive. And my big picture is that before I die, women don’t need me. They do not need anybody to help them with money because they got it, they got it.
Hilary Hendershott: I love it. I’m with you on that one. So, the book serves as a manual. It’s a standalone, mini training course. Are you also offering coaching programs now on Rewire?
Barbara Huson: I will. I took two years off of my Rewire program. I do have a membership community where we definitely talk about rewiring. I do a masterclass, Rewire masterclass there, but generally, I have an online community. It’s always been my dream to have some place where women could come together as a group, receive coaching, receive guidance, but more than anything, talk about money as women, the emotional part of it, as well as the practical. And then, I will, in the spring, start with my Rewire mentorship programs again.
Hilary Hendershott: You will. Okay, alright, but for now, it’s book tour, book tour, book tour.
Barbara Huson: It’s been so nice. I mean, I’m so sorry for COVID. I’m so sorry, it’s horrible, but it’s nice not having to get on a plane.
Hilary Hendershott: Isn’t it?
Barbara Huson: When you have a book come out, it’s constant travel. I want to travel.
Hilary Hendershott: Yeah, you never have to get on a plane, you never have to stay in a bad hotel, and you don’t have to cart around copies of the book.
Barbara Huson: You don’t have to get dressed other than put a shirt on.
Hilary Hendershott: And you have– I mean the quotes in this book are amazing. I love the quotes, and it feels like it’s the culmination of the work that you have been put on this earth to do. It’s like…
Barbara Huson: It feels like it.
Hilary Hendershott: It’s like the fourth and final piece. And I’m sure you have master work that you’ll do after this, but it’s an extremely well-written culmination of your work. So, thank you for all the work that went into it. And I just want to encourage everyone listening to go out and buy the book now. It’s Rewire for Wealth, and you can get it in, I believe, Kindle and paperback forms. Is that right?
Barbara Huson: And hardcover, no paperback yet. No paperback.
Hilary Hendershott: Hardcover and Kindle. Okay, perfect. Great. And that’s on Amazon and anywhere you buy your books.
Barbara Huson: Right. It would be a preorder now.
Hilary Hendershott: Alright, great. So, it’s Rewired for Wealth: Three Steps Every Woman Can Take to Program Her Brain for Financial Success by Barbara Huson, formerly Barbara Stanny. Yeah, alright, perfect. Thanks for joining us today, Barbara.
Barbara Huson: Thank you for having me. I always love talking to you, Hilary. Thank you.
Hendershott Wealth Management, LLC and Profit Boss® Radio do not make specific investment recommendations on Profit Boss® Radio or in any public media. Any specific mentions of funds or investments are strictly for illustrative purposes only and should not be taken as investment advice or acted upon by individual investors. The opinions expressed in this episode are those of Hilary Hendershott, CFP®, MBA.